By Susan Jenior
Staff Writer
Troy Allison, bowling in the Perfect Fit Trio,
TROY ALLISON and Erin Jackson competing in the Garden Spot League, both rolled 300 games during their competition.
Erin Jackson continued to a three-game set of 743 for both high game and series. Her mom, Teri Plaso, tossed the second-high series in the league, a 652. Only Tanya Hunter ruined the daughter-mom duo at the top, bowling a second-high game of 249.
Allison’s 300 was the top of the high-game leaderboard in the Perfect Fit Trio. Mark Ruediger joined him at the top of the leaderboard with a 993 high series and the second-high game of 290.
Tabitha Schlupe had a week to remember, landing at the top of three leagues at Spins Bowl.
She tossed a 218-639 as the best among the women in the Dale Hahn Custom Crafts league and then rolled the high series, a 600 in the White’s Senior Trio.
The Elks & Friends league was her final league at the top of both high game and high series, 224-655.
Kelly Stebner’s 619 high series landed her not only at the to of the high-series leaderboard, but moved her to the best in the league for the young season.
Kevin Kommel was the best among the men, bowling a 278 on his way to a solid 737 series. Only 10 pins behind for high series was Ed Hanna and three pins short of high series was Ryan Ambler 275.
BUMPERS — Khaliah McCoy was at the top of the boys in the youngest league, rolling a 99-180 and Kiara McCoy was the best among the girls, 91 with Olivia Lenington tossing the high series of 171. Noah Lofton was the most improved among the boys bowling an 83 that was 10 pins over his 73 average. Lennington was the most improved, tossing tossing an 89 game that was 18 pins over her average.
JUNIORS — Dominic Madden had a solid 172-485 as the best in the league with Brielle Andrews (174) and Amiah Neiswanger (416) sharing top of the leaderboard honors. Braydon McMullen improved his average by 54 pins when he rolled a 258 and Grace McCausland bettered her own series average by 75 pins when she found her mark for a 312 series.
PERFECT FIT TRIO: Troy Allison 300, Mark Ruediger 290-993, Kobe Thigpen 278, Bradley Stevens 990, Jeremie Grund 965, Lisa Osborne 223-824, Brandi Flachbart 212-708, Luara Elwood 210, Jen Pope 734.
DALE HAHN CUSTOM CRAFTS: Dan Ware 268-689, Nick Arlesqueeuw 705, Jason Norris 265, Derrick Simon 261, Fred Endres 673, Tabitha Schlupe 218-639, Ellie Arlenqueeuw 176-503, Kim Stull 168-462.
KSU FACULTY-STAFF: Eric Bollinger 196-550, Ty Stdulis 191, Luke Sutliff 187-473, Brendan Walsh 466, Betsy Mako 178-512, Chris Hill 153-414, Darlene Kolar 147-418.
MIKE’S GALS: Kelly Stebner 218-619, Sherry Tauscher 197-419, Dineen Rudibaugh 188, Pam Perry 500.
GARDEN SPOT: Dennis Carden 290-790, Derrick Simion 288-747, Bradley Stevens 748, Ryan Roderick 279, Erin Jackson 300-743, Tanya Hunter 249, Teri Plaso 652, Aleks Kiss 238-635.
WHITE’S SENIOR TRIO: Fred Endress 266, Dave Senerchia 657, Bud Hough 226, Bruce Prochaska 639, Larry Stout 205, Bob Stevens 551, Corky Farquhaf 176, Tabitha Schlupe 600, Paige Andrews 158, Carol Pennock 463, C.J. Pennock 156, Barb Hamric 402.
FUN CLUB: Paulette Rivett 139, Phyllis Meonske 136-359, Carol rego 126-345, Jenette Frederick 325.
ELKS AND FRIENDS: Kevin Kommel 278-737, Ryan Ambler 275, Ed Harris 722, Tom Day 269, Mike Kessinger 718, Tabitha Schlupe 224-655, Jennie Kiss 223-627, Karla Kommel 194-509.
FRIDAY CASINO FALL: Jacob Renkel 300-738, Dale Hahn 794, Brian MAllister 286, Frank Dixon 285-782, Roberta Papczun 243-644, Heather Gard 228-589, Leslie McAllister 218, Ashley Baldwin 525.
HAPPY HOUR DOUBLES: Thomas Prater 277-766, Michael Calvert 266-682, Ken Sedlock 215, Craig Gilli 555, Jeannie Dockery 214-533, Karen Marino 186, Krista Dockery 183-507, Michelle Prater 499.
ROOFING GUY: Carl Logsdon 279-758, Dan Roberts 268-666, Mike Cottrell 745, Sam Tassone 267.
GATEWAY CASINO: Bryan Lea 300-787, Shane Lindon 300-658, Russ Johnson 297, Frank Dixon 734, Clara Butcher 248-634, Ashley Kuhns 237-676, Alicia Lindon 216-593.
HIGH SCHOOL MATCH PLAY: Adam Walters 268-731, Justin Miller 263, Justin Wagner 235-671, Brody Justice 656, Joy Justice 230-558, Alannah Raffa 183-483, Hallie Furry 173, Jordyn Brigham 451.
SPINS BOWL BUMPERS: Khaliah McCoy 99-180, Theo Aken 88-165, Noah Lofton 83-147, Kiara McCoy 91-164, Olivia Lexington 89-171, Elaina Stevens 88.
SPINS BOWL JUNIORS: Dominic Madden 172-485, Jackson Adolph 160-434, Andrew Duvall 128-360, Brielle Andrews 174-337, Amiah Neiswanger 151-418, McKenzie Sirianni 138-369.
SPECIAL NEEDS: Michael McFarland 180-338, David Kovacic 171-338, Jarrod Gaunther 143-283, Maranda Ailes 189-354, Meredith Rang 143-271, Ashley Valerius 121, Rachele Castner 222.