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Striking a Balance: Pair of 300 games already rolled at Spins

Striking a Balance: Pair of 300 games already rolled at Spins


By Susan Jenior

Staff Writer


As fall leagues get started at area lanes, Spins Bowl already tallied two 300 games on the lanes this week.

Joe Swanson and David Randazzo each rolled a perfect game in the Garden Spot League as Randazzo captured the high series, an 844.

Tabitha Schlupe had the high series for women in the White’s Senior Trio Fall League, an outstanding 748.





WHITE’S SENIOR TRIO FALL: Jerry Losh 258, Fred Endres 689, Liz Hickman 175, Tabitha Schlupe 748.

DALE HAHN CUSTOM CRAFTS: Dustin Ware 268-736, Tabitha Schlupe 212-613.

MIKE’S GALS: Dana Wilson 227-545, Sue Mottl 192, Sherry Tauscher 534.

GARDEN SPOT: Joe Swanson 300, David Randazzo 300-844, D.J. Madden 742, Erin Jackson 269-666.

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