By Susan Jenior
Staff Writer
White’s Senior Doubles League had something to celebrate during Halloween week as bowlers have been throwing outstanding games and series.
Betsy Mako and Marie Canan
Fred Endres rolled a 300 game and finished with a 748 series to lead the league. Jack Steel rolled a 269 and Dave Senerchia, subbing in the league, had a 245-686 series.
Mark Horning improved his average 181 for series when he rolled a 58 with a high game of 201.
Betsy Mako rolled a 193 high game on her way to a 495 series as Tabitha Schlupe rolled the high series of the day, a 543. Schlupe carries a 224 average inn the league.
Schlupe has been impressive, rolling a 743 series in the third week and a high game of 278 in the fifth week.
Sue Koerber rolled a nice 521 series that was 119 pins over her average of 134.
In the Perfect Fit Trio, Joey Hardin tossed a 300 game on his way to a 985 series. Keith Lang, former manager of Spins Bowl in Kent, bowled a 1,019 series to top the league with a 274 high game.
Robin Wise and Jim May
Lisa Osborne was the best in the Perfect Fit Trio for the women, rolling a 253-943.
If watching a 300 game is exciting, the Garden Spot League members had double the fun. Both Brian Moreno and Ryan Ambler accomplished the perfect game during league bowling. Moreno finished with a 751 series and Ambler earned runner-up series with his final 767.
Despite the perfect games, neither bowler could inch their way up the leaderboard to top Patrick Adolph for high series. Adolph rolled a 779 series with a 279 high game.
Aleks Kiss rolled a solid 250 game to lead the women in the league and Julie Saxton found her name at the top of the high-series leaderboard with her 642.
Finally, Corey Daniels ended the 300 game party in the Elks and Friends League with his perfect game, also taking home high series, a 722.
Thank you to Corky Farquhar, White’s Senior Doubles League, and Amanda Kiss, Portage County USBC manager, for providing information and photos for this column.
Bowlers with information to share and outstanding games bowled at area lanes may call or text 330-206-9083 or email
Portage Sports looks forward to sharing your successes on the lanes.
Andrea and Joe Killeth
SPINS BOWL, KENT (High game-series)
WOODLAND’S TRIO: Doug Seiber 299, Jim Prasek 694, Tabitha Schlupe 268-760.
MIKE’S GALS-STEELASTIC LLC: Sue Motti 204, Sherry Tauscher 201-566, Kelly Stebner 563.
PERFECT FIT TRIO FALL: Joey Hardin 300, Keith Lang 1,019, Lisa Osborne 253-943.
GARDEN SPOT: Brian Moreno and Ryan Ambler 300, Patrick Adolph 779, Aleks Kiss 250, Julie Saxton 642.
WHITE’S THURSDAY SENIOR TRIO FALL: Fred Endres 267-667, Tabitha Schlupe 288-790.
HAPPY HOUR DOUBLES: Thomas Prater 238-593, Rachael Hohman 254-654.
FUN CLUB: Phyllis Meonske 159-419, Paulette Rivett 145-391.
ELKS AND FRIENDS: Corey Daniels 300-722, Tabitha Schlupe 237-674.
FRIDAY CASINO FALL: Steve Thompson 300-742, Roberta Papczun 268-636.
FRIDAY MATCH PLAY TRIO: Ryan Rosinski 278, Zach Mangus 748, Wanda Gehret 187-516.
KSU FACULTY-STAFF: Don Boland 247-622, Alex Meluch 183, Betsy Mako 498.
ROOFING GUY: Artie Robbins 263, Neil Martin 696, Courtney Martin 244-629.
SPECIAL NEEDS: Logan Cox 204, Jarrod Gauntner 400, Meredith Rang 133, Hannah Huber 258.
GATEWAY CASINO FALL: Don Dent 300, Steve McCarley 765, Alicia Landon 247, Tessa Galloway 598.
SPINS BOWL BUMPERS: Bryson Horner 84-161, Lilly Renkel 102-200.
SPINS BOWL JUNIORS: Carter Flachbart 237-552, Jordyn Brigham 176-447.
HIGH SCHOOL MATCH PLAY: Justin Miller 247, Adam Walters 661, Brooklynn Horner 224, Joy Justice 528.