By Susan Jenior
Staff Writer
Matt Lyons, bowling in the Garden Spot League, rolled the 12 strikes in a row needed to bowl a 300 game, leading the league for high game. Patrick Adolph tossed a 278-761 and Dave Reynolds was in the top three with his 269-794 effort.
Leading the women was Jennie Kiss, almost getting her 300 , bowling a 299-714 and Aleks Kiss, a 236-704.
Kent State University’s Homecoming is this weekend and the KSU Faculty Staff League celebrated with Jimmy Clint rolling a high game of 193 and Cheryl Smith, the best among the women, bowling a 179 high game and Betsy Mako concluded the top of the leaderboard with her 412 high series.
Using the Bumpers helps the youngest bowlers gain confidence in their first league experience. This week, in the Bumper League, Jonathan Lowe led the boys 110-187 and Kiara McCoy earned high game-series with her 81-151 effort, just one pin better than Olivia Lexington 80-150 and Lilly Renkel 79. Renkel rolled a 144 series.
Dominic Madden was the best in the Junior League among the boys, 169-473 while the girls best was tossed by Brooklyn Baril 147-427.
As the high-school athletes prepare for the upcoming bowling season, many are bowling in the high school match-play league.
Adam Walters rolled a 258-740 and Jordyn Brigham bowled a 189 high game, sharing the leaderboard with Emily Morrison’s high series of 550.
GARDEN SPOT: Matt Lyons 300, Dave Reynolds 269-794, Patrick Adolph 278-761, Taz Moore 750, Jennie Kiss 299-714, Aleks Kiss 236-704. Tanya Hunter 225, Teri Plaso 616.
MIKE’S GALS: Kelly Stebner 253, Sherry Tauscher 575, Pam Perry 242-544, Dineen Rudibaugh 213-544.
KSU FACULTY STAFF: Jimmy Clint 193, Eric Bollinger 530, Ty Stadulis 191, Luke Sutliff 496, Mike Stadulis 175, Michael Meluch 480, Cheryl Smith 179, Betsy Mako 412, Darlene Kolar 155, Shelley Capellman 148, Betsy Mako 512, Cynthia Jones 434, Chris Hill 414.
PERFECT FIT TRIO: Bradley Stevens 288, Jason Price 1,018, Chuck Coburn 279, Ron Elwood 1,011, James Bender 279, Bradley Stevens 971, Brandi Flachbart 247-721, Lisa Osborne 208-776, Jen Pope 196, Laura Elwood 690.
DALE HAHN CUSTOM CRAFTS: Nick Arlequeeuw 267-761, Dave Arlequeeuw 256-644, Dustin Ware 245, Fred Endres 644, Tabitha Schlupe 268-634, Marilyn Christy 205, Maranda Ailes 181-528, Nancy Zolgus 451.
WHITE’S SENIOR TRIO: Roger Nutter 231, Doug Contofalsky 651, Bruce Prochaska 222, Fred Endres 609, Bud Hough 211, Dave Senerchia 533, Marilyn Cerny 198, Tabitha Schlupe 639, Liz Hickman 169, Patti Andrews 447.
ELKS AND FRIENDS: Corey Daniels 267-737, Wade Morrow 267, Kevin Kommel 702, Troy Workman 259, Seth Alesi 664, Jennie Kiss 234-649, Tabitha Schlupe 234-610, Jennifer Pope 214-604.
FUN CLUB: Carol Trego 149-375, Paulette Rivett 149-372, Jenette Frederick 144-374.
FRIDAY CASINO FALL: Shane Landon 300-807, Scott Bobbs 300-745, Jack Barta 297, Leslie McAllistser 234-565, Roberta Papczun 210-581, Melissa Sogor 206-546. Joshua Pritt 231, Craig Gilli 203-584, Michael Calvert 550, Rachael Hohman 257-657, Krista Dockery 223-617, Carie Hanna 217-561.
GATEWAY CASINO FALL: Steve McCarley 300-762, Aaraon Wilkinson 278, Bryan Lea 278-761, Hank Adams 674, Ashley Kuhns 300-718, Alicia Lindon 236-670, Clara Butcher 209, Heather Lockard 482.
ROOFING GUY: Neil Martin 256-647, Carl Logsdon 248, Dexter Worthy 247-642, Mike Cottrell 632, Ashlee Cottrell 187-455, Marilyn Tassone 180-456, CC Porter 161, Patti Sandlin 423.
BUMPERS: Jonathan Lowe 110-187, Theo Aken 91-186, Matthew Briggs 88-161, Kiara McCoy 81-151, Olivia Lenington 80-150, Lilly Renkel 79-144.
SPINS BOWL JUNIORS: Dominic Madden 169-473, Lucian Sekerko 138-402, Andrew Duvall 135, Jackson Adolph 354, Brooklyn Baril 147-427, Lilly Baclawski 134-345, Elizabeth Coburn 125-349.
HIGH SCHOOL MATCH PLAY: Adam Walters 258-740, Justin Wagner 245-597, Brody Justice 244-634, Jordyn Brigham 189-498, Emily Morrison 187-550, Joy Justice 181-503.
SPECIAL NEEDS: David Kovacic 211-292, Michael McFarland 191-372, Brian Lewis 183-303, Meredith Rang 144-265, Robin Wheeler 111-206, Ashley Valerius 106, Denise Smith 194.