The 1968 Crestwood High School Varsity “C” Club, which included multi-sport standout Jack Lambert, who went on to star on the football field for Kent State University and the Pittsburgh Steelers, before being inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1990.
Lambert is pictured in the front row, third from the left.
The Varsity “C” Club was a combined honor society and service organization for all Crestwood male student-athletes who had earned at least one varsity letter in a sport. It was stated in the yearbook that the club “hopes to develop and maintain those ideals developed through active athletic participation — pride, desire and respect.”
Chief activities and projects of the Varsity “C” Club included outings within the group (games, etc.), sponsoring a dance, selling tickets for the Sportsmen’s Show fundraiser and “backing athletic teams.”
The club would meet after school every Wednesday and Friday.
There was no Crestwood High School in 1968! All the high schools in Oldham Co. were consolidated about 10 years before that. Better check your information.
This post is referencing the Crestwood High School that is located in Ohio (Portage County).