By Tom Nader
Publisher and Editor
The “Coaches in the Classroom” feature is a weekly series that spotlights and celebrates coaches throughout Portage County, who spend their days in the classrooms and hallways leading today’s student-athletes to be tomorrow’s leaders.
Today’s spotlight is on Andrew Olesky, who is in his 17th year as a teacher and 14th year as the boys basketball coach for the Garfield G-Men.
- School district: James A. Garfield Local School District.

- Years and classes taught?: 14 years at Garfield and 3 years at Waterloo Middle School. I have taught Social Suites and English/Language Arts — or some combination of the two.
- What made you want to become an educator?: There are a lot of elements that contributed to my decision. Early in my college career, I struggled and lacked direction. I started coaching seventh grade basketball when I was 19 years old and that gave me the direction I needed. It really showed me how much I liked working with kids and how that might be the career path I would like to pursue. I was also heavily influenced by my mom, Joette. She was a fifth-grade teacher for over 30 years. I always enjoyed seeing her passion and how much she enjoyed it. I was also familiar with the “lifestyle” that a career would provide, for better and worse, and knew that was how I wanted to go.
- What is your favorite part of your job?: I know this is the part where I am supposed to say the buzzword “relationships,” but I really get a kick out of seeing kids enjoy a particular topic that is new to them. For example, early in my career, we would read various stories and genres related to the Titanic and kids absolutely LOVED that and learning about it, including all the activities we would do. Right now, I am beginning some units on Native Americans and the first people to the Americas. Kids love that, too, and really get into it. I guess it is fun to see kids enjoy learning about something that isn’t a cell phone or video game.

- What have you learned about being an educator that you didn’t know before you started?: I have learned that it is hard, it is draining and it is much more stressful than I ever imagined. I used to tease my mom when I was younger about all the quintessential things that teachers hear. She would most definitely inform me on how wrong I was. She was right. I guess this is a public apology to her. I have also learned that all the other positives are correct. It is very rewarding and gratifying.
- Which teachers influenced you to go into education?: First and foremost, my mom influenced me the most. As previously mentioned, she showed me what the career entailed while demonstrating the value of hard work, compassion and enjoyment for the carer. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I was also heavily influenced by the teacher and coaches that I had growing up. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the names Scott Ross and AJ Hite. They have long impacted me even after graduation. I still talk to both regularly.
- How do you apply some of your coaching to the classroom?: I think there are two big things I have learned from coaching that translate well to the classroom. One is that each student brings a unique strength to the table that perhaps other kids cannot do. I always say I want to put my teams in the best position to succeed based on their strengths and I think that is applicable in the classroom, too. The second aspect is that all kids, and players, learn and are motivated differently. It really is up to the teacher or coach to learn what that is.
- How do you apply some of your classroom to your coaching?: I have definitely learned to bring a modicum of compassion and understanding to coaching. As teachers, we are always trained to consider other components of students’ lives, like what is going on with them and family, home situations, health, and more. This is very true in coaching, too. Other elements can impact performance, and we need to be considerate of that.
- Funniest thing to ever happen to you in a classroom?: It is hard to pinpoint one specific incident. However, as someone with a somewhat sarcastic and self-deprecating sense of humor, who enjoys some good-natured raillery, I always get a kick out of it when kids jokingly tease me. Kids have always commented to me on how tall I am and make jokes. Lately, kids are making comments regarding my thinning hair. I am not sure if that is funny or concerning! To me, the fact they do that kind of stuff is a testament to the relationship you have and the comfort they have in you to do so.
- Mentors in your building who have helped you along the way?: There are so many great people and teachers here at JAG that it is impossible to name just one or a few. Everyone is so kind and helpful when needed. It is a testament to our school and district. However, early in my career here at JAG, Don Long was extremely helpful to me in many regards and not afraid to be constructive. The older I get, I realize how right he was and how much I respect it.