HIGH SCHOOL SCOREBOARD TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 BASEBALL GARFIELD 14, LIBERTY 0 (At Garfield) LIBERTY 000-00—0 0 0 GARFIELD 930-2X—14 12 1 Batteries: (L) B. Terlecki and C. Bratton. (G) V. Grandizio, A. Hill (4), ...
By Tom Nader Publisher and Editor Most see senior Caleb Gartner as the 6-foot-2 lefty ace on the mound for the Field Falcons. Those that look closer, though, don’t just see a pitcher, they ...
YOUTH BASEBALL SCOREBOARD MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 COACH PITCH 1 BRIMFIELD 12, GARRETTSVILLE 6 Top Hitters: (B) Levi Lucky, triple, double and two singles; Harrison Biller, double and three singles; Jagger Marchette, three doubles and ...